Monday, April 25, 2011

The Tomb is EMPTY!

A couple of years ago we made Easter Story Cookies. They we fun to make and we enjoyed the reading that went along with them. But we didn't like the end result (the taste, not the "empty tomb" analogy).

This year I decided to give the Resurrection Rolls a try. (And I kinda tried to take pictures along the way...kinda).


One can of crescent roll dough  (I had biscuits, so I used sure to keep reading)
One large marshmallows for each roll you’ll be making (not pictured, oops) 
Melted butter (1T was plenty)
Cinnamon sugar
Bible or Easter storybook
Assemble rolls and read the story:
1. Read John 19 while the oven is pre-heating according to the package directions. If you’re really on top of things, spend the week before reading John 12-18 with your kids.

2. Unroll the crescent rolls. Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.

3. Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus… all white and pure because He was without sin.

4. Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter. This symbolizes the embalming oils.

5. Roll the marshmallows in the cinnamon sugar. This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial. (or use a spoon because you don't like to get too dirty)

6. Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll cloth, pinching the dough together securely. Don’t worry about the shape so much, they’ll taste the same no matter how you roll or bundle them. This represents how they would have wrapped Jesus’ body.

7. Lick fingers.

8. Put the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for the amount of time specified on the package.

9. While the rolls are baking, read John 20:1-18.

10. Open the tomb (oven) and remove the rolls.

YIKES! They are supposed to be closed up. And obviously, they are NOT! Note to self, use crescent rolls next time!

11.When they’re cool enough to handle, break one open and discover what happened to the marshmallow. Jesus is risen! At this point, I also read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Jesus is coming again!

Shew, this one was closed enough to see the 'emptiness'.  These tasted SO good! Live and learn!


The Halbert Home said...

That sounds so fun! Bookmarking this one for next year! And to answer your question from the last post, things are going much better these days. Sophie's turning in to quite the delightful little girl and I am coping a lot better.

Caroline said...

SO going to try to do this next year! I LOVE it!! Now, only to remember:)