Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Easter Dress

I saw this dress over at TaDa! Creations. It had a $145 price tag on it. Woah. I didn't necessarily care for the Mary had a Little Lamb apron on the front, so I thought to myself, "you CAN make this." And so I did.

I had THIS peasant dress pattern (with multiple sleeve options).

And I knew how to make a gathered skirt from THIS tutorial.

The sash, it was the biggest challenge. After a couple of tries, and some advice from a friend, I got it to work. I didn't have a pattern. And I won't bore you with the how to, unless you want me to share. Send an email.

The finished product.

Oops. Wrong lighting setting on the camera...hence the blue tones. 

Now isn't it fun? And LilE wore it ALL day long. I think she liked it too.


Outnumbered! said...

That is gorgeous.

Double Dees in SC said...

You are super talented, KLee!