Sunday, April 24, 2011

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Or maybe not.
But it is Easter weekend!

We took it easy on Saturday morning, baking and preparing for Sunday.

Saturday afternoon we had a couple of Life Group (aka Sunday School) parties at one of the lakes around here. It was a perfect day to be outside. We got to catch up with some old friends as well as meet some new ones.

Once home, I had put the final touches on LilE's Easter Dress (that will be another post in itself!) and gathered all the goodies for her Easter basket. It wasn't too exciting, lots of candy and a pillow pet--the Purple Unicorn. She is in love with Maggie. She goes everywhere with us now.

But the real celebration was on Sunday! What an amazing day of WORSHIPPING the LORD! I am so thankful to have the freedom to openly worship the Savior! I think I take that for granted just about every day. I shouldn't!

After church we got together with the "framily" for lunch. Ham, green beans, mac n cheese, biscuits, strawberry salad, and Kentucky pie. ALL so delicious! And yes, we put the kids in front of a movie so the adults could talk. Don't judge. They weren't getting into trouble!

After a nap, we went to hunt some eggs in the front yard. The egg hunts this year just weren't working out as planned. The first go-round we made it hard--because LilE is now a big girl and has to hunt with the big kids. And we learned at one hunt that she doesn't run and fight after the eggs. Therefore, we made it a big of a challenge. And she wasn't really up for it. So we did it again a little more on her level and she had fun.

 And she did just about eat her weight in sugar on Sunday. But didn't we all?


The Halbert Home said...

did you make her cute dress?

Mom/Mimi said...

Cute dress. Looks like egg hunting can be fun. Glad you had a good weekend. We missed you guys!

heene said...

Great pictures of E!!! Loved spending Easter with ya'll. Their faces are priceless in the picture on the couch. So serious about the movie:)