Sunday, March 06, 2011


Nearly 7 years ago, we moved to the Southeast. Seven years. There were several key families that stood beside us back then and continue to stand by us today. Isn't God so good? We could not have done it without their love and support.

One of those families is Joyful Pilgrims. A was in first grade and J3 was 3. Seriously? 3. J2 and B have been such great supporters of our ministry, but also great friends in life. We just love them! I love the friendships that have formed with all the boys. They have a blast together. JD even brought them over to the dark side--they are now Cowboy fans! Ha!

The first spring (2005) we were here, our church put on a huge drama thing (there was no talking, just still scenes to the music) at the local theater. JD was asked to play the role of Joseph (as in Jesus' earthly daddy). J3 was asked to play the role of Jesus as a young boy being visited by wise men. They had such a fun time together that week. See? (This was a dress rehearsal. JD doesn't usually wear a turban on his head.)

J3 continues to grown into such a sweet young man. He is such a great friend to LilE. And she absolutely adores him. And even as a ten year old boy, he will still play with her and make her feel super special. He has a gift and he makes everyone feel like the most important person in the world to him.

This weekend we were able to celebrate his 10 years! JD was invited to the party! Love it! The girls tagged along too. Who can turn down a good piece of birthday cake?

Happy Birthday J3!

PS. You notice a theme here? The bearded man. Stay tuned for the reason why!


Anonymous said...

Seven Years! It is so hard to believe that it has been that long! B was telling me a little about why JD has the beard...can't wait to see a post about it!

Joyful Pilgrims said...

Oh my goodness...I was just checking in to see what the latest and greatest post was from your awesome blog and saw this...and oh how it made me cry! What a blessing you all are to OUR lives! Our family is so thankful for you all and can't wait to love your family even more as it grows!