Monday, March 28, 2011

Out of Town Guests

Mimi and Pop were ready to come out...and we were ready to have them! It has been 3 full months since we have seen them and 10 months since they have been out here. (We enjoyed LOTS of trips to Texas last year!)

Due to ticket prices, we got to have them for an extra day! Woot!! They flew out Thursday afternoon. We picked them up and then Mimi and I went grocery shopping. Sounds like your idea of a grand weekend, right? Next time hopefully I will be better prepared, but I do enjoy that one on one time with my mom. Usually LilE has her undivided attention.

LilE did have her plans for what Mimi and Pop were going to do with her when they arrived--color. And color they did. Isn't it great that her idea of a grand time with the grands is coloring. I love it! (but didn't take a single picture on Thursday)

Friday morning, LilE got up and went to school. We kinda piddled around the house. Mimi and I cooked a gourmet lunch--seriously. I tried out Pastor Ryan's Pasta Carbonara (from The Pioneer Woman). It was delicious! So, I am keeping that recipe for another meal.

photo courtesy of The Pioneer Woman

After lunch we packed up our letterboxing gear and headed out to the Science Center here in town. They have several boxes so we went on a hunt. And then we all got tired and called it quits after we found 4 of the 10. All that means is we get to go back and enjoy the facilities again. They release the butterflies in May. That sounds like fun. And while I was there I picked up some info and registered my sweet girl for some big girl summer camps!

Saturday it decided to rain on us. All. Day. Long. Boo. But my child was in heaven. That meant she and Mimi could craft and craft and craft!

We picked up some pine cones on Friday while on the Nature Trail. Didn't they turn out cute? It is our family in Pine Cone Bunnies. Awww.

Sunday we headed to church and then came home and rested the rainy afternoon away. My parents were able to rock it out in our new Modern service. It wasn't so bad, they said, but they will stick with the contemporary at home. :)

Monday was a laid back morning and day of packing and picking up and playing and picture taking. 

After lunch, we headed to the airport. Back track a bit. LilE was out of sorts all morning. Nothing going her way. And we realized she understood Mimi and Pop were heading home in the afternoon. After we hugged and waved and blew kisses, LilE just buried her head in my leg. And as we walked away, she began to cry. This is the first time she has cried when company has left. It broke my heart. She is finally old enough to understand and it hurts her heart not to be with family.

But to our rescue came the TSA guy. (I know...out of character for those guys!) He gave us a website to watch Mimi and Pop's plane fly back to Texas! How neat! After their flight took off we headed on over to FLIGHT AWARE and put in our airline and flight number. This is what it showed us (click to see the detail):

How fun! Then we snuggled and watched a movie and she was good to go.

We are super-dy duper-dy excited that the next time we see them we will have a new baby in our house!! We can't wait!!

1 comment:

Mom/Mimi said...

We dird have a great time. Yes, we did spend a lot of time crafting, which I hope will be memories for our sweet LilE. Hoping that some day KLee and I can spend quality time togther as Mom and Daughter outside of the grocery shopping. We need to do some big girls things!