Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bargin Find

I was walking around Target today waiting for my prescription to be filled (3rd sinus infection this pregnancy...awesome) and found an endcap with clearance items--75% off.

Back up a bit. LilE has been asking lots of questions about the Earth--is it really round, why are MereMere and Paul asleep while we are awake, etc. It is really hard to describe that the Earth is round when you can't physically see it as we drive down the road. I thought having a globe at home would be a great way to show her, but they are expensive. I knew I eventually wanted one to help with homeschooling (still on the prayer list), but it just wasn't a priorty to find the "right" one at this time.

Back to the clearance rack. There is a GLOBE sitting there. Two of them. Just staring at me. I take a closer look. It is interactive. It comes with this "pen" where you can touch any country and it tells you what it's name is, continent it is on, population, language spoken, just to name a few. You can also play games to test your learning. And it has a book that shows different places on each continent you can visit. Awesome find.

And here is the price tag.

Um, Was $89.99, now $22.48. Sold. I will take two. One for me and one for a friend.

LilE is already enjoying it. She even asked multiple times tonight if she could keep it in her room. She enjoyed it that much! Here's to FUN learning!


Karla said...

WOW!!! Awesome find for sure! And did you find a friend yet for the other globe?????

Mom said...

Cool. Love bargains especially when they are educational.

Kama said...

Wow, what a deal!!! :) I love Target clearance. I have to stay away from it though.

KLee said...

Karla-I actually bought it for a friend who was also looking. My SIL found one in Tx, so try the Target by your house.

It's a Mom Thing said...

this is SO awesome! thank you for calling me! T will be THRILLED!

SE said...

I have a globe similar to this and my students wrestle over it when we have to have inside recess. They would rather play with the globe than play a game!

Meredith Poe said...

love the story and selfishly i love that she asks about me and Paul.... sure do miss you guys.