Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Photo Shoot

You can't go to the beach without at least one photo shoot. I have the greatest subject! She is just a beautiful little girl with a heart for serving others. Oh how I love her!!

Help me decide which one to frame. Numbers are above the pictures.







Kama said...

2 or 5! Or frame all of them when Walgreens (are there some near you?) has a free 8x10! :) Buy cheap frames at Hobby Lobby or the $1 Store... We have a ton of free framed pics in our hallway.

The Halbert Home said...

Definitely 2 or 5!

w and js mommy said...

eeeeek~ How are you going to choose? I say put them on 5 x 7 canvas and make a wall collage! That way you don't have to choose! HOWEVER if you feel like you must I say #5- THAT IS TOTALLY Emma

w and js mommy said...

so I went back and made them all big an I have to say I think I LOVE #1 too-----

The Burleys said...

I say #5 although they are all great. And, you are right - she is beautiful! :)

Jessica said...

Oooh, either 3 or 5. These are beautiful!

Leta said...

2 and 5. She is just so cute and the photographer did such a super job! All the pics of the vacation are great. I love the old tree.(i love trees)

Double Dees in SC said...

Though they are all awesome shots, I prefer #1 myself.

Di said...

#2 is my favorite, but they are all very good! Great job with your new camera. I'm experimenting more, but I'm not there yet.
I love the beach :)

Anonymous said...

I vote for #5, but #2 is a close second.

Karla said...

#2 definitely...and yes she is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Mimi said...

Frame them all in a collage! I'll send the money! I love 2 and 5, but then there is three. The photography is wonderful and the subject is just TOO beautiful!!

Joyful Pilgrims said...

They are ALL beautiful...5 would be my favorite for an 8x10, but did you notice her hands in number 3...so precious!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so good at capturing the moment - she is BEAUTIFUL!
I say it is a win win situation with all of them, but 2 and 5 are my favorites!