Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Beach, but Not the Beach

This year we did venture out a bit and had fun away from the sand. I also cooked and cooked. But that will be some posts in the days to come.

We worked two puzzles. (700 and 1000 pieces).

We played games.

I read an entire 500 page BOOK. I can't wait to read the second in the series. 
 And since I am the photographer, there is no proof.

We fed turtles.
And this guy showed up.

We went for bike rides. And went letterboxing, while visiting a 1500 year old tree--Angel Oak.
Funny thing, there are about 10 people on the other side of this tree. They just happened to all be behind it when I took the picture.


We also found some LBs in a rookery in the I'On Village. It is a quaint community with awesome homes. This rookery is in some neighbors backyards. Awesome views. There were several look out towers with porch swings to over look the pond. Anyone want to give me a million dollars so I can move in?

Look, I really was on this trip!

  We watched the sun set.

And loved to see my girl having a blast, just like her Mommy and Daddy!


ashley said...

Looks like a fun trip and some sweet family time. The more I read your blog the more I think your little girl and my Anna are so alike and would probably be best friends if they knew each other!

Kama said...

Awesome! You guys have the best vacations! I love Francine Rivers! All of her books are really good!

Mom said...

Likes like fun was had by all! Glad it was a relaxing vacation with some really great scenery!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good and relaxing time together. I'm looking forward to ours too!