This Mother's Day started off with some perfect cards from my two favorites! Unfortunately, this was the only time I was able to spend with my girl. But I did cry as my music card opened to Doris Day singing, "I love you a bushel and a peck." (click to listen). Something my mom sang to me and I now sing to LilE. Perfect!
But for the past 3 Mother's Days, I have struggled.
When JD and I got married, our plan was to fill our home with children. We got a bit of a later than desired start due to seminary and moving after graduation. In February 2005 our first child was taken home to be with the Lord after only 6 weeks in the womb. We were devastated. We trusted that the Lord was in control, knowing our hearts desire was still to fill our home.
Almost exactly one year later God blessed us with LilE. His timing is perfect, as was she. We are so thankful for each and every day with her. We know we have never deserved her, but God still had Grace on us and blessed us.
Our desires for a large family had not changed after LilE was born. We thought, in order to have 4 children before we turned 40, we would have to have them fairly close together. We began our journey in May 2007.
Three years have now passed. Our desires for more children continue to be as strong as ever, but we have come to the realization that our plan is not what God has planned for our family--at least not in the way that we had originally planned.
I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has the same desires that I do for our family. He is my strength and my encouragement. He is my sounding board. I am thankful for family and friends who have walked this road before me and for those who are walking this road with me today. But I am most thankful for my God who will carry me all these days and in the days to come, knowing that HIS plan is the perfect plan for me.
i am proud of you for posting this. i love you and continue to pray for God's will in your life daily.
I was almost 37 (6 years ago) when Lane and I got married which was a really late start. We left it up to God whether we would have children and we didn't. My sister also struggled with this and adopted two precious girls. May you continue to find peace in His will.
Jamie Price
This is heart warming and inspiring to prayer. I am claiming Matthew 18:19 and praying God's promise that we are in agreement and asking Him to bless you with a healthy pregnancy and baby now.
God is faithful and you are precious. Thanks for sharing your heart...
I am so proud of you for setting your feelings out to show that no matter what you are trusting GOD our FATHER to take you and your family on the road HE has for you. It has been sad moments and happy along this road with you. I am so blessed to have you as a friend and a part of my family here in SC. We pray and claim HIs truths over you.
Thank you for sharing...
That's one of the awesome things about the Body of Christ... sharing and knowing that others are praying and standing with you.
Now I know exactly how to pray for you!
Big hugs to you!
so i'm a little late on the blog reading these days. but i'm so proud of you, too! i know this was probably difficult and you are being very vulnerable. but God is being glorified and He is using you and your walk to encourage others. i'll never stop praying for God's perfect will in your life!
Oh how I feel your pain and praise you for putting it into words. I pray for you peace that passes all understanding.
As a side note of encouragement, I can't tell you how many times you come up as an example of a wonderful mother.
I totally agree with Jessica about the wonderful mother.
Thanks for sharing. I know it is hard to share the hard things in our life. I felt like such a failure at the beginning of OK's life and you were there to encourage me and pray me through it. I will always be praying for God's Will on this road we call life.
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