Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies

JD and I love some home made chocolate chip cookies, but really, do we need 3-4 dozen? Here is my new method to meeting our need for sweets.

Make your favorite cookie recipe.

Fill the cookie sheet with the desired number for the day/night. We do tend to make them after LilE goes to bed. Shame on us!

Continue to scoop out the rest of the dough and place filled cookie sheets in the freezer.

After dough balls are frozen, fill up ziplock back. Store bag in freezer. Next time you want a few cookies, pull however many you want out and enjoy!

And don't forget to enjoy all the cookies you already baked! (Notice how many JD has already eaten?)


Kama said...

Great plan! I do that with baby food. :)

TCW said...

That's a great idea.

Caroline said...

Great idea!!! Just seeing the cookies makes me want to go make a batch:)