This Mother's Day didn't go exactly as I would have desired. It began a few days earlier. I began to realize our families back home were making plans to be together with the moms, and I realized we would not be there to celebrate. Bummer. And on top of missing my mom, I was just homesick. Missing not just mom, but the entire family. It has been a couple of months since we had seen anyone and I just needed a good family hug. If you don't live near your family, you will understand. If you do live near your family, take advantage of it. You never know when God might call you away.
So being away from family and some other downer events of the week just created lots of emotions on Sunday. And therefore, I broke down and cried. In front of what seemed like everyone. My husband had to come get me. Yes. Embarrasing. But sometimes you just need a good cry.
As for my treatment, they did a good job. Lunch out for yummy Mexican, nap, followed by an ice cream supper and a lazy afternoon in the hammock. I loved being able to relax with my favorite two people!

awesome picture! I love you and I totally understand. Sometimes when I call my parents house I can get through talking to my dad fine then when my mom gets on the phone I just BAWL. It never goes away. I'm glad you are here for me. I love you! I hope your wkend away is wonderful and just what you need. Can't wait for our girls trip in July!
Sweet picture of two special daughters in my life. Glad that we could celebrate Mom's Day even though it was a few days late. Have a great weekend away!!
Great pic of you and sweet LilE. I wish I had known all of this and I would have been a better friend to you! Glad we can get away for some Mommy time this weekend! And so thankful you are my friend!
We all have moments like that! We were without any family when we had our first, but then God happened to call my parents to our church! We've been so blessed to have them here and believe me, we never take it for granted! Glad you had a great, relaxing day!! Sweet picture, too!
I love you and don't worry about the crying. I do it all the time. I hope your visit with your parents was great this past weekend. See ya Sunday
I remember having a cry fest in Auburn all the time. I did it once in staff meeting and couldn't stop and I am sure they thought I was crazy because they only knew me like 2 months.
What a great picture of the two of you!
Precious picture of you two. Wished we could have been together on Mother's Day - but happy that you were with yours afterwards. Family times are blessings. See you in June.
Cute picture. So, you're moving back here soon? ;)
I'm w/ Kama! ya'll head home, prob solved! :)
Love you and wish we were together much more often than we are now.
Duke is so much fun and I miss lil E!
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