Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fire Station

This summer my Mom to Mom group has been having play dates every couple of weeks. We played in backyards, at the airport, swimming pools, the water park, and we ended the summer play dates at the fire station.

We received a tour of their facility---where they eat, cook, sleep, lounge, and we ended in this room where their training occurs. While they were getting ready to give us a talk, the bells rang and they all ran to the call! Awesome! So there we were. Perfect opportunity to take a few pictures.

When I was talking to the Fire Marshall about the tour he explained that with preschool aged kids they have a fireman get fully dressed in front of the kids. So many little ones are scared of the firemen and when there is a fire in your home the last thing you want is your child to be afraid of the person who can save them! It was fun to watch the kids and interesting to learn all about their gear.

When the rest of the crew came back we headed out to the trucks. They even let the kids climb on board.

And then there was a surprise visit from Sparky! LilE was not a fan of the fireman, but she loved the dog!

We brought the firemen a plate of cookies and then ate a few of our own after lunch at Firehouse Subs!

1 comment:

w and js mommy said...

Emily looks so grown up!
Fun times