Friday, August 27, 2010

Fancy Nancy Soiree

Our first Soiree! That is so fancy!

The library here has been having lots of programs this summer. We made it out for the Fancy Nancy Soiree! Who is Fancy Nancy? She is a young girl who is all about being fancy--in the way she dresses and the way she talks. A super cute book series for little girls. You can see more about her HERE.

LilE got all dressed up, with curls and ribbons in her hair and dressed up in one amazing dress.

She enjoyed listening to the original Fancy Nancy book. Afterward they had all sorts of stations set up to decorate a tiara, feed the posh puppy, ring toss, clubhouse to read books, fingernail painting, and tiara making. Just to name a few.

At the end they had a dance. Oh how LilE loves to spin to music. She was in heaven! And then they walked around with bubbles.

I loved being able to spend such a extraordinary evening with my precious girl!


w and js mommy said...


Anonymous said...

So cute! LOVE her hair!

Caroline said...

SO FUN!!! She is so pretty - LOVE the hair:) I hope they do that again in a year or so when S is older!

Jessica said...

Fun, fun, fun!!! What an awesome "fancy" dress. Will have to look for this event next year.

Mimi said...

Looks like way too much fun! I love the dress....Fancy LilE for sure!!

Double Dees in SC said...

She looked precious in her 'fancy' gear. How fun for Mommy, too!

Anonymous said...

So sweet to have such a girly time! Love the hair!
Hug her for me!

Leta said...

Ella loves Fancy Nancy and loves to dress up, too. I enjoy the Fancy Nancy books myself!
Looks like you had a great time.