Saturday, July 24, 2010

CK Lake Day

Each summer JD takes the kids to CentriKid for a week of camp. It is a great week, full of upbeat worship, Bible study, skits and more skits, and just plain ol' F-U-N!

Since JD and I met at a children's camp, we have a soft spot in our hearts for summer staffers. Each summer we spoil these college kids by feeding them non-cafeteria food, wash their stinky laundry, and treat them to a day at the lake on Saturday. All of this before our campers head their way on Monday morning.

And, as a bonus, LilE and I get to go and play all day too!

Player Piano

Dock watcher

Tubing--LilE says to slow down

The Interns, minus one. Something about starting med school...

Isn't she just too cute?

JD wake boarding

It's been 10 years! And I did it!!


Mom said...

Go Girl!

w and js mommy said...

LOVE IT!!!! I love that you have a special place in your heart for those campers--
Love the pic of you and RCM--FRAMER!

Erica said...

Fun pictures! I just got Elizabeth the same swimsuit as LilE at Target! It cracks me up that when we are in China nobody has the same clothes as my kids, but then we come back to the US and everywhere we go I see kids dressed like my kids!! :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was really fun. The lake is really pretty. I can't believe that you really got up on the skis! Slalom?
I also liked the tubing pics!
