Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pre Easter Fun

Now that LilE is three, I felt like we could do more of the "traditional" Easter activities with her.

Egg Hunt-- A church down the road was advertizing a hunt and due to a meeting I had, I asked Daddy to take her one Saturday. I was impressed with the stories I heard upon their return. They even ran into a couple of friends while there.

Egg dying--Well, this was more of a Mommy and Daddy effort. I am way to paranoid to let her do more than assist. Maybe next year sweet child!

Baby Blue Bird Nest--It's a Mom Thing linked this up one day. We tried it. It was more of a Mommy and Daddy craft than a three year old craft. Still cute though.


It's a Mom Thing said...

I'm with you on the egg dying. Actually, we have never dyed eggs at home. I figure T$ never knew what she was missing. Until this year...and we sent the egg dye kit to the grandparent's house so they could do it together.

Gena said...

If I had more time om my hands, I'd make her some crafting frocks. That way she could spill all she wants and you wouldn't need to worry about her clothes. Sadly, I don't have time to do much of anything.

Di said...

Lots of newspaper and old clothes. Elle and R would always surprise me with what they could create. We still have some of them - the ones that they blew out first of course!

w and js mommy said...

or you could have my kid who does not want to smell like vinegar