Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I was tagged (I think weeks ago!) by It's a Mom Thing for this "random meme."

Here are Mommy's rules: The player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. You do not need to tag anyone, because everyone you know has already been tagged and completed the task!

1. My husband and I met at the Pine Cove Towers--a Christian camp in East Texas.
2. I was in band in High School--a part of the colorguard. We went to state my senior year.
3. My first car was a 1986 Buick Century. It was maroon with maroon valour interior. Pretty!
4. I was a lifeguard during my college years.
5. I sat right next to ANOTHER K L Smith at High School graduation.
6. Even though I grew up in one town, I have lived in 12 different places throughout my, gulp, near 30 years.
7. I worked for the UMHB's IT department my junior and senior years of college.

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